Civil Security and Crisis Management: A New Priority for the Region

Particularly hard hit by climate change, Latin American countries are likely to have significant needs in terms of anticipation, prevention and management of major crises.

New prospects for research and development in the field of fire detection are emerging, notably around satellite imagery. Such breakthroughs would make it possible to automate the identification of fire outbreaks, drawing on the precision of images captured by Pleiades Neo satellites.
At the beginning of 2023, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concluded its support for Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Peru, enabling them to develop their own centers of expertise for non-destructive nuclear testing techniques. These solutions will help identify structural defects, whether in roads, buildings or bridges, and thus provide a detailed analysis of the consequences of a disaster.
In Guatemala, the Quake Alert warning system is able to detect, at an early stage, and automatically provide notification of earthquakes originating within a 360° radius, and whose epicenter may even lie several hundred kilometers from the sensor’s location. Since the first sensor was installed, Quake Alert has detected and reported 100% of earthquakes in the Guatemalan capital. Peru, Mexico and all other countries with a high seismic risk could draw inspiration from this promising technology.

Chile has invested in dedicated sensors, linked to the Sistema de Alerta de Emergencias (SAE) which is mandatory on every telephone to inform the population in real time. SAE members are organized on a decentralized basis at community, provincial, regional and national levels to produce real-time risk assessments. Deploying these units makes it possible to put populations in danger out of harm’s way, as a preventive measure.


The exponential growth of certain conurbations is also creating a huge need for infrastructure. In this context, the concepts of Smart & Safe Cities and sustainable cities are a response to new urban issues. The city of Concón in Chile has set up a network of high-quality cameras and other sensors with integrated analysis and loudspeakers, to detect emergencies and send warnings to its population in the event of earthquakes and tsunamis. This system helps the authorities to manage emergency evacuations quickly and efficiently.
New technologies are expanding the scope of Industry 4.0, particularly in aerospace, automotive and heavy industry.
